Since last February, our shows have been aired several times in France and worldwide. Here is what you may have missed and what you should expect:

  • 2017, THE DISASTER DIARIES premiered on RMC Decouverte on Feb, 8th, and rated 20% above the broadcaster’s average.
  • WHALES OF THE DEEP (aka MARINE MAMMALS, CHAMPIONS OF THE DEEP), about the incredible depths reached by marine mammals, premiered on ARTE in March 2018, and is currently aired worldwide on NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNELS.
  • KILLER SEALS( aka GREY SEALS, A JOURNEY OF SURVIVAL), showing the new behavior of Grey Seals in the North Atlantic, is currently being shown in May on NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNELS WILD in 122 countries. Can’t list them all here, but… In the US, on Saturday, May, 19th, at 12.35 pm ET; in Australia, at 7.30pm on May 15th.
  • Our series A NEW PREHISTORY and GIANT SEA SERPENT, MEET THE MYTH have been re-run in France and Germany on ARTE…. with a market share 50% above the average of the channel !

More to come in August. Stay tuned !
